
Swedish Game Conference FTW!

By Adam Boyes | Published October 7th, 2010

I was recently approached by the Swedish Game Conference to appear as a speaker at their event. Seeing that I’m working with some fantastic groups like Whiteout and Might and Delight in Sweden, and my history with Grin and Fatshark, I couldn’t say no!!

“We are proud to announce Adam Boyes as a speaker for SGC’s Video Games – Business and Market track.

“I am honored to have been asked to participate as a speaker at Swedish Game Conference. I had the pleasure of visiting Sweden as a teen, and from those early days spent in Linkoping & Stockholm, I always wanted to come back and spend as much time in Sweden as possible. I’ve had the opportunity to work with a multitude of Swedish Game Developers, and I look forward to contributing my knowledge and giving back to the great development community that is thriving in Sweden.” – says Mr. Boyes.”


Thursday Night Throwdown, Beefy Style

By Adam Boyes | Published September 24th, 2010

Every Thursday,, the greatest video game website on earth, has a live streaming event called ‘Thursday Night Throwdown’, or TNT на нашем сайте. I was in the neighborhood for some meetings, so I stopped by the GiantBomb offices to prevent them from being productive. In exchange for me leaving their premises, they offered me a spot on their TNT show as a sub-co-co-star. Check out the Kane & Lynch 2 playthrough with copious amounts of ridiculous anecdotes and arguments about which CSI is the least worst…

Watch live video from Giant Bomb Live! on

The Livest Live Show EVAR

By Adam Boyes | Published September 10th, 2010

As most people know, GiantBomb is a force to be reckoned within the Video Game Industry. It’s part wiki, part achiev-a-thon, part review site, part community fan club, part whiskey bar, part PBS show, but coated in 100% awesomesauce. They recently moved from Sausalito, in tandem with their partner sites Screened, Tested, Comic Vine and Anime Vice. In order to celebrate the move, they decided to do a live-stream seven hour variety show. It was an incredible feat – probably the coolest original thing I’ve seen in the games industry in quite some time. I was lucky enough for them to invite me on to talk a bit about Beefy Media, as well as tell some Johnny V stories as usual. Here’s the footage of me in the flesh:

Watch live video from Giant Bomb Live! on

Game Careers interviews Beefy Media!

By Adam Boyes | Published August 22nd, 2010

I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Game Careers when I was a speaker at the Develop Games Conference in Brighton, UK. Enjoy the Green Screened goodness!

The Only Way to GamesCom is via Amsterdam

By Adam Boyes | Published August 10th, 2010

My favorite non-North American video game conference is by far GamesCom. This conference occurs in Cologne, Germany each year, and the beauty of it is that it’s GDC & E3 all rolled into one big hot sweaty German mess. The Messe which the conference occurs in is split up, so while the business people are getting their meetings on in a clean and pristine environment, all ages of sweaty hot gamers are lining up for four hours to see a trailer that was viewable that night on the internets. On top of that, GDC Europe is scheduled for the same week, and I had a speaking gig on a panel to discuss how European-based developers can better succeed in getting noticed and finding success in North America.

This year, I convinced my good friends Dave Lang from Iron Galaxy Studios and Andrew “Smiffy” Smith to join me in attending. We decided to hit up Amsterdam on our way through, as we thought it would be a great idea to do some sightseeing before getting down to the vidgame conferency goodness.

Here’s a trailer video of our wonderful adventures through Amsterdam to GDC Europe & GamesCom:

Develop Conference Wrap Up

By Adam Boyes | Published July 18th, 2010

I’m back from the wonderful land of the United Kingdom, where hundreds of attendees and I were subjected to the virtual wind tunnel that is Brighton.

I spoke at the Develop conference on the first day of the three day conference, and it was my first time attending the event. I was impressed with the turnout at the show, and the solidarity shown by the UK gaming community.

When I first presented my ID, I was given my Speaker’s Badge, which had my company mistakenly recorded as ‘Meaty Media’ instead of ‘Beefy Media’. It provided me and the attendants a good chuckle, and I ribbed Susan Marshall (one of the wonderful organizers of the event).

The talk that I did was called ‘Round 2: Convergent Gaming’ which was a pretty boring title for my talk. I covered the Digital releases and successes that Capcom had during my tenure there, and then focused on where I believe the future of games is – Convergent games. This isn’t a new concept by any stretch, and even the moderator joked that we’ve been talking about this concept for 10 years, but I’m just shocked that nobody has *really* done it yet. I’ve got a master plan, but that’s a whole different set of blogs and updates.

The show itself brought out some pretty well known industry veterans, and provided a lil’ bit of controversy. During the show, Tim Schafer referred to Bobby Kotick as a ‘Total Prick’ and Mark Rein was called out as a ‘Jerk’.

Mark Rein ain’t a jerk… he just plays one at conferences

Now I’m not a big fan of name calling, but I do have respect for people who speak their mind (as many people know I do as well). I do think that a nice dinner with wine and conversation would solve all of these beefs – can’t we all just get along?

In regards to the Mark Rein comment, I know Mark personally and I’ve spent some time with him at many of these conferences. What Cliffski (the indie developer that accused Mark of the jerkiness) experienced was simply Mark Rein in his natural environment. Is he opinionated? Yes. Does he speak his mind? Hell yes. He’s one of those guys that loves to add in comments on every panel that he attends – Cliffski, it’s not just you… if you follow him into any lecture hall, you are sure to get entertained. But that’s what makes him Mark.

I don’t think that he’s a jerk, and I think Cliffski has misinterpreted his comments a bit – Mark has always been a fan of indie devs – he was a major supporter of Epic acquiring Chair. He also pushes UDK out to students and indies as much as he can. But at his root, he’s a businessman, so he’s going to spend the majority of time trying to land the big fish, and I don’t blame him for that.

My advice would be for Cliffski to send a dinner invite to Mark and get to know the man behind the banter… he’s a good dude.

Great people at the show

I met a bunch of really great new people at the show, and saw some old friends as well. I got a chance to catch up with Dino Patti, who was celebrating the launch of their new game, Limbo. I’m so proud of what he and the guys at PlayDead Studios have done.

I also got to catch up with Paddy Sinclair and some of the Proper Games crew who did Flock and Final Fight: Double Impact, and most recently worked on the DLC for Crackdown 2. Included in the catchup was hanging with my man Andrew “Smiffy” Smith, who has since departed Proper Games to start his own design consulting company, Spilt Milk Studios.

On top of that, I also got to meet some new members of the Monumental Games crew and see their new MMO tech. I was really impressed at what they are working on, as they’ve got some significant new tech that could make some waves pretty soon!

In the new people department, I met up with Tim Flett ( from Escape Studios (this guy is rock effin solid), Chloe Giusti from SCEE (incredibly bright and witty), Chris Donahue from OnLive (iPad Labyrinth combat buddy), and many, many more.

The show was a total success – thanks to everyone at Tandem Events for letting me enjoy your conference!

Announced as a Speaker at the Develop Conference

By Adam Boyes | Published June 24th, 2010

Yep, Beefy Media is on the move! It’s been announced that I will be speaking at the Develop Conference in Brighton, UK in a couple of weeks. I’m very excited to be a part of the conference, and I’ve got an entertaining talk about the Digital Era of games and how we can make the leap into truly embracing Convergence in gaming! If you are going to be attending, definitely get in touch!

Adam Boyes appears on Giant Bomb’s E3 Podcast!

By Adam Boyes | Published June 16th, 2010

What a blast! I got the opportunity to join the likes of Johnny V from Disney, Mike Bilder from Jellyvision, and the cast of Giant Bomb to record an epic 3 hour E3 Podcast. It was a ridiculously good time, and if you haven’t listened to it yet, DO IT! GiantBomb Podcast – Day 2 of E3

Beefy Media takes a Road Trip to E3!

By Adam Boyes | Published June 13th, 2010

We had originally planned to do a 9 person caravan from the Bay down to L.A. for E3, but after copious amounts of last minute bailouts, there were only 4 people left. Mike Mika & Andrew Ayre from Other Ocean, Chris Charla from Foundation 9, and me. It was a great trip, made even greater by the people that signed in to our uStream feed. Thanks to Giant Bomb for the retweet of the feed – good times! Here’s a link to some of the archived goodness from our road trip & E3… in all it’s choppy glory.

Taking the stage at the Festival of Games

By Adam Boyes | Published June 4th, 2010

I had the pleasure of being invited to participate in the Festival of Games, in Utrecht, Netherlands. It’s located about a 20 minute train ride from Amsterdam, and it’s a beautiful town. I got to meet some great people like Ian Livingstone, who is the Life President of Eidos, Kellee Santiago, from thatgamecompany, and David Perry from Gaikai. The hosts of the show (NLGD, Control Magazine) were all fantastic hosts, and I was happy to be part of such a successful event.