Brand / IP Services

Are You Taking Mobile, Social, and Console Gaming Seriously?

Every year new studies get released about the growing penetration of gaming from all aspects. The migration towards digital gaming is an exciting but confusing place to enter туры по Армении из Еревана. Traditional advertising companies do not have the ability or training to create compelling gameplay experiences that will speak directly to consumers with credibility and affection for your brand.

What’s Important To You?

We can cater a plan for your brand or intellectual property. Whether you are interested in a small monetization play, or if your goal is to create the most fun and sticky mobile game to rocket your brand icon into mainstream popularity, we can do it. We don’t look at the games that we create as throw-away experiences – we build a consumer engagement strategy and post-release support plan that ensures that once the game is released, we continue to improve, refine, and have an ongoing discussion with the consumer about what they are enjoying.

Ad Agencies Don’t Make GOOD Games

More and more agencies are trying to handle game development on their internal team. They can create flashy games which often have no sustenance to them. Putting a branded banner in someone else’s game does NOT mean that you have the ability to make a game from scratch. We work with our clients to create the proposals, vet the best developers in the industry, and we manage every single aspect of the game development. We’re seasoned game development veterans that know how to mitigate risks, and sort development for creating compelling games for our clients.

Brand Extensions Beyond Games

On top of pure game development for mobile phones, browsers, handheld and household gaming consoles, we have also worked with by brands like RoboCop and Scre4m to develop Avatar collections to push the brands and recognizability into new avenues. Whether it’s a fashion line, a great movie, or an iconic collection of characters, we can make it all happen.

Ready to start getting serious about your brand?
