Publisher Services

Find the Right External Partner

We are constantly meeting with studios around the globe, and we thoroughly understand their strengths and weaknesses. We will source potential external developers, manage your Request For Proposal process, and provide preliminary studio and on-site due diligence reviews.

We also assist in sourcing potential acquisition targets if the goal is to increase the size of your internal development group. We find potential partners, complete our thorough due diligence process, and then help manage the integration of their studio into your organization прогулка на теплоходе в Казани.

Run the Projects Smoothly

We offer a multitude of solutions for assisting or running external projects. We can fully manage your external project, come in for the final submission phase, or act as a “Second Opinion” when reviewing schedules, milestones, or many other aspects of the projects.

Checks and Balances

Managing external partners can be challenging. Are they not telling the truth about head count? Are all of the project funds being spent on someone else’s project, and not yours? Is the relationship plummeting towards being irreconcilable? We can help with all of these scenarios, and ensure that your investment is being protected.

Creating a Fresh Strategy

The industry is evolving every month that goes by – from 3d TV & console technology to motion peripherals to cloud computing. Publishers who don’t pay attention to the new trends are going to fall behind in the long run – we specialize in creating balanced portfolio strategies to help increase your return on investment.

If All Else Fails

We specialize in closing projects. If you need a group of programmers, artists, or producers at the last minute, we have a vast list of seasoned veterans who can finish the project on time.

Because we are constantly sourcing and reviewing developers, we have the ability to provide you with an alternative developer to finish your project.
