Top 10 things I learnt at my 1st DICE

Hey yo!

With only two weeks under my belt as an official member of Beefy Media, I set upon DICE to be an active participant in building of the Beefy empire.  Well, that was quite the experience to say the least, “drinking water through a fire hose” barely describes how it was for me…soooo….I’ve put together a quick “top 10″ list that neatly summarizes what I was able to hold in my brain эта ссылка.

10. When 4 grown men share a room in Vegas, you inevitably see things you shouldn’t

9. The business discussions happen between 10am and 8pm, but the real deals go down after 8pm…

8. Thank god for Costco

7. People just want to play the product; PowerPoint presentations just get in the way

6. I never want to eat Kirkland Granola again

5. Never…ever…ever…open the door till you’ve finished…

4. “Because it’s the right thing to do” is a motto to abide by in Vegas

3. The heartbeat of this industry is in the people doing the dealings in the rooms, not the heads of the “BIGS”

2. The effect of 2 nights in Vegas was clear on everyone’s face and liver by day 3…Just ask Dave Lang

1. The REAL business gets done at the Poker, Blackjack, and drinking tables

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phil -

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