Festival of Games – The Video

I blogged earlier this year about speaking at the Festival of Games (NLGD) conference in Utrecht, Netherlands. It was a great experience https://kreiser-avrora.com/gde-nahoditsya-krejsera-avrora/, and the organizers have recently posted a video of my talk. It starts  out a bit slow, but picks up with juicy info, hot tidbits, and some insight into the games industry.

Festival of Games 2010 Recap: Adam Boyes – Capcom’s Digital Victory from Festival of Games on Vimeo.

As always, if you have any questions about the stuff that I discussed, post in the comments below or e-mail me at

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About the author

adamboyes - Adam Boyes is a 15 year game industry veteran who has specialized in Production and Business Development. He has held positions such as Executive Producer at Midway and most recently he ran the Product Development group at Capcom US.

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